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Videos // SMUX Camp 2014 – Dare To Be Dared

By July 10, 2014November 1st, 2020VideoPosts



With great people comes great memories. Though a seemingly overly-challenging camp that was refurbished to trial the boundaries of the extremist sports within the SMUX family, we were ultimately glad that all related parties had enjoyed the entire experience immensely and more than happy to welcome the many new members into our huge SMUX family.

This video is dedicated to the unsung heroes of the camp who have helped silently ensured that the camp ran smoothly behind-the-scenes so that all freshmen could enjoy a seamless SMUX journey experience!

This also goes out to commemorate the multiple exciting genres of SMUX notwithstanding Trekking, Diving, Kayaking, Biking, Skating and XSeeding. The family is only strong when we all stand together and I am glad to be part of this bigger family since my freshman years! Thank you for giving me so many wonderful and laughable memories and I dedicate this snippet of memory to all of you guys! Enjoy and do make time to hangout together next time! 😉

Music Credits:
1. Hardwell & Dyro feat. Bright Lights – Never Say Goodbye
2. Hardwell Ft. Mitch Crown – Call Me A Spaceman

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