I guess I’m not pretty much of a writer myself. Many-a-times throughout the time that this personal site was set up, I often had thoughts, wrote an excerpt down, always thinking that I would have gone back later to it to finish it up and publish it… It never happened…
Though I had always wanted to be somewhat vocal on some thoughts that vertebrates through my mind, I guess as times go by… I would often assume that my language is not as strong to properly depict out in words and articulate the right ideas and meanings that I would have wanted to propose in the first place.
Commemorating this beginning of a new 2015, I would like to strive for some effort and attempt to change some old habits into better ones, namely making an effort to at least write a blog post once a week, for the next 52 weeks of the year. Seemingly a simple task for many, it is quite a daunting one for me as I had clouded myself with some fear of judgment. But… I guess since I’m coming off a new stage in life, celebrating #my30th, I would like to let go and drop away some of these unnecessary worries and hopefully lead a more joyful, meaningful and happier life that may somewhat positively influence others as well this upcoming year.
So, at the very least… I’ve just tried to clear up a little bit of clutter (And hopefully more in the near future to try to keep things simpler..) on the interface of RobertChai.com , and attempt to improve the workflow of writing a blog, and eventually publishing it.
Looking back at 2014, I would like to recount my blessings despite that it has been quite bumpy and not as colorful as I would have hoped for. Taking up the journey of attempting as a self-made full-time photographer is no doubt filled with many trials and coupled with more defeats than the joyful moments that I would have to truthfully admit. Nonetheless, I was sincerely thankful to have gotten to met up with some great photography / media personalities, who had become great friends and have opened up my eyes to the vast world that is beyond Singapore’s creative shores.
My sincere thanks to KevinOu, ElwinGoh, XindiSiau, MarieSoh, and MartinYeoh for adding support and joy to the many collaborations we have worked through in 2014. It has been truly a thankful experience and I do hope there would be more opportunities to work together in the upcoming year. 😉
It was also a year of testing days where I was thankful for great friendships that held strong and help gave me the boost when times were tough. I’m also really thankful for my personal clients and friends who had believed in me and ROBERRYARTS STUDIOS, to seek our services to best serve their needs throughout 2014! Thank you to each and every one of you! 😉
All over the world, I have also seen many people experiencing trying times through the many mishaps and disasters in 2014 and my heart goes out to them and their loved ones. I do hope that 2015 will be a better year for everyone and most importantly, keeping all safe and in good health!
I guess penning this post down is a good start to taking baby steps for a better year ahead for me and I do hope that everyone will be able to start on their little baby steps and have an AWESOME year ahead of them!