A random group of lovelies from SMUX XSeed Team who were so sweet enough to wait for me to do the CNY Lou Hei though I was undeniably late, reaching only around 9:30pm, after a series of 2 other Lou Heis in the day.
Though often I didn’t manage to join most of their routine activities, it was still fun getting to know some of them from time-to-time as I joined in their routine annual overseas trips.
A bunch of silly friends, but deep down they have the purest of love and a whole bunch of fun! Keep up the positive love for everyone! Jiayou for the upcoming year ahead! HUAT AHH~ 😉 – #robertchai #roberryarts #roberryartsstudios #capturefusephotography #cny #lunarnewyear #louhei #smux #smuxtremists #smuxxseed #events #gatherings
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