Glad to be a part of the sun, the sea, and with the great company once again with the SMUX Kayakers! Just some hilarious talks, fun in the sea and just chilling out with these new friends, just made the starting of 2016 a whole lot more exciting and silly!
Soaking up the beautiful weather before the new term stars for this fresh batch of juniors, I’m glad the event has helped brought everyone a little closer together and allow us all an opening to find love is something we all love to do… To experience the beautiful nature in all her glory with the open ocean… Does make me want to pick up my Kayaking Star* certification, though I was OBS-certified years back, it is not recognized right now… We shall see~ 😉 – #robertchai #roberryarts #roberryartsstudios #capturefusephotography #smux #sgsmu #smuxtremists #kallang #kayaking #smuxkayaking
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