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Albums // Events // SMUSAIC x FUJIFILM – Chinatown PhotoWalk Aug 2017 – GFX 50S – The People

By September 1, 2017October 28th, 2022Albums-Events


It was a privilege to be invited back to SMUSAIC, to join in their Chinatown PhotoWalk with special sponsorship from Fujifilm.

Fujifilm came together to rent out some of their most recent cameras for a trial run for the attendees. Knowing that they had just released their newly 2017-minted mirrorless digital medium format camera the GFX 50S, I enquired if I may test drive the camera, and interestingly, they agreed!

Technicalities aside, my overall experience with the camera was top-notched, except for a few usability ‘kinks’ that may not be suitable for an Events / Street / Actual-Day Wedding photographer.

Still, being a re-invented medium format camera, the weight of the camera is astounding and the images were just gorgeous! Though sadly, due to a technical mishap, I wasn’t able to get the RAW files for edits, the mere JPG format had the sharpness and color renditions that I didn’t expect was to be that good!

Nonetheless, the 2-hour sting wasn’t enough for me to full trial out the camera, but the experience had left me wanting to get the camera in a near future, especially when some of the usabilities are ironed out in the camera handling, technical capture speeds, as well as more lens options available.

If you do have the opportunity, do go check out this camera, the experience had just been great!

Here are just some of the awesome photographers, as well as our beautiful model Jess, who came along with the photowalk, captured with the Fujifilm GFX 50S for your review. 😉 – #robertchai #roberryarts #capturefusephotography #sgsmu #smu #smusaic #photography #streetphotography #singapore #sg #events #gatherings #chinatown #photowalk #streets

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