Another Lou Hei session with the family that I have grown old with 4-years of my life in SMU.
It was a memorable life experiencing the SIS-way of life and it was no doubt one of the years that have shaped who I am today.
I’m glad to see that the family has grown significantly and tremendously over the years and felt sad that our Dean is departing after 15 years at the helm as our SIS founding father.
Thanks for those moments with us all these years and I’m thankful that your presence has significantly left an impact on all the lives of the SIS family that had come to the past.
Here are some simple snaps to commemorate the mini gathering…
To an AWESOME family with many exciting & HUAT moments ahead of you! Let us prosper for the year of 2016 altogether! HUAT AH~~~ 😉 – #robertchai #roberryarts #roberryartsstudios #capturefusephotography #cny #lunarnewyear #sis #siss #gatherings #events #alumni
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