Though I have hung around with previous batches of friends from SMU Barworkz, this is probably the first time I had the privilege of getting invited to their cocktail-making workshop, all Thanks to my Awesome Bartender friend Jin!
It was a simple hangout with some familiar faces and over booze-making… It was just funny and interesting at the same time!
Learned a lot from the sessions… Hopefully will have future opportunities to join in as well! Thanks for a great job well done people! Till your next event!
Hope you guys will enjoy these few snaps of the little event! Cheers! And Thanks once again for having me! 😉 – #robertchai #roberryarts #capturefusephotography #sgsmu #smu #smubarworkz #drinks #booze #diycocktail #workshop #singapore #sg #events #gatherings
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