Been a super-duper long time since I actually posted something. Amazingly, it has been around 2-3months since I last found time to sort out photos and uploaded it.
Guess life is like what people said, “When you are working for someone else, your time no longer belongs to you..”
Nonetheless, the journey has been exciting so far. And though it had been quite a packed day, I was thankful for being invited to a mini-xmas-party hosted by the lovely Miya.
Got to meet, game, drank and party with this bunch of fun-loving people. I must admit, it had been a really long time since I did had such a party for a long while, especially after starting work overseas.
Still, thanks for the great and grand company! Till our next outing… Hopefully, I’m back in Singapore then! Cheers people! 😉 – #robertchai #roberryarts #capturefusephotography #gatherings #newfriends #novotel #singapore #christmaseve #2017
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