Had a very brief moment with the performances this year at SMU Patron’s Day 2016. The crowds were still abundant and the memories of celebrations were still as fresh.
It was nice getting to see so many other photographers around taking photos for the event; Roughly about 5-6 of them… As looking back it was just me on my skates back then. Am glad to have seen the community grown positively.
Too bad I had to rush off early so only managed to catch a glimpse of one of the performances by SMU EMIX, our hip-hop dance club. Great works and keep up the hype!
Happy 16th Birthday SMU! 😉 – #robertchai #roberryarts #roberryartsstudios #capturefusephotography #sgsmu #pd16 #smupatronsday #smubirthday #casualsnaps #foods #celebrations #performances #emix #smueurhythmix
Follow My Instagram: instagram.com/sgrobert
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